
  • Best Diet to Lose Weight – And it is Not Low-Carb

    The National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) was established in 1994. It is the largest study into long-term weight loss programs. The principal researchers are Rena Wing (Brown Medical School, Rhode Island) and James Hill (University of Colorado). There are now over 10,000 participants enrolled in the study.

    To be eligible to enrol in the study participants must be at least 18 years have lost at least 13.6 kg (30 lbs) of weight and kept it off for at least one year.

    According to the researchers “almost nobody is on a low-carbohydrate diet” and they have looked “very hard to locate them. We can't find more than a handful of people who follow the Atkins program in the registry".

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  • Do vegetarians live longer?

    On 2nd February 2017, Melody Ding, a senior researcher from the University of Sydney published an article in The Conversation titled “Do vegetarians live longer? Probably, but not because they’re vegetarian”. Her preferences were revealed early in the article when she writes, “vegetarianism and its more austere cousin, veganism, are becoming increasingly popular”.

    A person calling a vegan diet austere does not know how to cook.

    There is overwhelming evidence that vegans (and particularly whole-food, plant-based vegans) live longer and healthier lives.

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  • Eating Red Meat is Not Natural

    Galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose is popularly known as alpha-gal. It is a carbohydrate found in the meat of mammals – exceptions being primates (which includes humans) and other African and Asian apes.

    Since the early 2000s, severe allergic reaction has been observed several hours after the consumption of red meat. Several deaths have occurred. This is associated with IgE antibodies to alpha-gal as a result of the patients been bitten by ticks. This has occurred in eastern Australia, south-east USA and Sweden.

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  • Hunter Valley Natural Therapies Talk – 22 August 2017

    I presented a talk at a Hunter Valley Natural Therapies lunch at East Maitland in the Hunter Valley of NSW on 22nd August.

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  • Chocolate (Cacao) Slice

    A tasty, easy-to-prepare slice for those who love their chocolate.

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  • Pecan and Zucchini Patties

    It is difficult to find a recipe for a vegetarian patty that does not fall apart at some stage. These patties are delicious and hold their shape and can be eaten hot or cold.

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  • BMJ Editorial – Are Some Diets “Mass Murder”?

    Richard Smith’s wrote an article Are some diets “mass murder”? in The BMJ on 15 December 2014. He uses a work of a popular commentator to reach his conclusions in this article. Smith's claim that Nina Teicholz’s The Big Fat Surprise, demolishes the hypothesis that saturated fat is the cause of cardiovascular disease fails with just a little scrutiny.

    Richard Smith is a British medical doctor and a previous editor of the BMJ (previously the British Medical Journal). He worked for the BMJ for twenty-five years (from 1979 to 2004) and was editor from 1991 to 2004.

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  • Deception from The BMJ

    On 24th September 2015, BMJ issued a press release titled BMJ investigation questions expert advice underpinning new US dietary guidelines. The press release stated:

    The expert report underpinning the latest dietary guidelines for Americans fails to reflect much relevant scientific literature in its reviews of crucial topics and therefore risks giving a misleading picture, an investigation by The BMJ has found.

    The BMJ Investigation was an article written by Nina Teicholz in response to the above report. It was not a BMJ investigation. Why is The BMJ press release stating that they, The BMJ, performed an investigation when it is clear that this is not the case.

    This article was fully funded with a grant from the Laura and John Arnold Foundation (

    The Laura and John Arnold Foundation provided the seed funding for NuSI, the organisation founded by Gary Taubes and Peter Attia to promote low-carbohydrate nutritional science.

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  • Vegetable Lasagna

    A delicious meal that is easy to prepare.

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  • Dr William Roberts – Causes of Heart Disease from an Expert

    William Roberts is a leading cardiovascular pathologist. He is the current editor (at 2016) of the American Journal of Cardiology—a position he has held since 1982. He has published over 1,500 articles. Roberts served as the first head of the pathology service at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute at the National Institutes of Health from 1964 to 1993. He has been located at Baylor Heart and Vascular Institute and Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas since 1993.

    He is a genuine expert in heart disease.

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WHO's recommendations on saturated fat are out of date, expert team says.
However, the study has been funded by the dairy and beef industries.
Discover how industry-funded research is deceiving the public.

Low-carboydrate Diets - The Myths Why are Eggs NOT OK? Dairy and Wheat - What you did not know Carbohydrates DO NOT cause diabetes
Truth and Belief
Low-carbohydrate Mania: The Fantasies, Delusions, and Myths
Dietary Deceptions - PDF Discover why researchers, popular commentators and the food industry is more concerned with maintaining corporate profits than ensuring that we have valid health information.
Who is going to get wealthy by encouraging people to eat their fruit and vegetables?

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When Vegan Diets Do Not Work
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Center for Nutrition Studies

Center for Nutrition Studies