Tag: plant based diet
Rip Esselstyn’s Plant Strong podcast discusses the making of “Plant Strong Legacy”.
Dr. Liz George, who helped a small dairy town in Pennsylvania, transition to a plant-strong lifestyle, shares her story. 12 years later, the impact on this community has endured.
In the video, How Foods Affect Hormones, Neal Barnard tells the story of Katherine Lawrence who was an Air Force officer working as an aerospace engineer in Iraq. In 2003, she was one of the first group of people in Iraq, building air bases.
Cheese was one of her favourite foods, so when she returned from Iraq she devoured large quantities of cheese and cheese dishes.
As a result she gained a substantial amount of weight and started getting pain in her abdomen that become much worse over time. A doctor performed a laparoscopy – the body is examined through a scope inserted into an incision below the belly button. This resulted in a diagnosis of endometriosis.
According to the WHO, "there is no known way to prevent endometriosis. There is no cure, but its symptoms can be treated with medicines".
Her doctor arranged for a hysterectomy, a life-changing operation preventing her from having children. While she was waiting for her operation she started a strict whole-food, plant-based diet with no added oils (important) to manage her pain which was becoming unbearable. When she had the operation 6 weeks later, her endometriosis had disappeared. Her doctor refused to believe that the diet caused the change, preferring to believe in a miracle despite evidence in peer-reviewed medical journals that an excess of estrogens can result in endometriosis.
Neal also tells the story of remarkable story of Dr. Anthony (Tony) Sattilaro who in 1978 at the age of 48, was diagnosed with cancerous growths in his skull, right shoulder, prostate, backbone, sternum and genitals. At the time, he was the president of Methodist Hospital and was told that he had about one year to live. Through a chance meeting he cured himself of this incurable cancer within a year by eating a macrobiotic diet and adopting their lifestyle.
After 10 years Tony decided he was cured and decided he could revert back to his old habits. Read about the conseqeuences - sometimes you only have one chance.
See Dr Caldwell Esselstyn's video and angiogram to see how a severely constricted artery can be repaired - on a whole-food, plant-based diet with no added oils.
A Fireside Chat is a discussion with Dr. Colin Campbell and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn. Dr. Esselstyn has also produced the video Heart to Healthy Heart.
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Wise Nutrition Coaching Home Page
To Eat Fully Consciously Connects Us To The Miracle Of All Life
The diets that are optimal for our health are also the best for the environment and for the animals that we share the earth with.
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Advantages of a Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet
Many popular books, magazines and websites claim that we have bee following expert medical advice since the 1970s and we are unhealthier than ever. They declare that the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause heart disease is the greatest scientific deception of our times and that a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet is essential for our well-being.
These views have become accepted as the truth. Instead of informing our society about healthy dietary choices, they are causing widespread harm.
These views are based on myths, fabrications and a distortion of facts.
However, standard medical advice has not been helpful in reducing the rising prevalence of obesity, diabetes and autoimmune diseases. This advice often contains guidance such as “everything in moderation” and that we need to be “practical” and “flexible”. Advice that is not very constructive.
Fortunately, the diets that are optimal for our health are also the best for the environment and for the animals that we share the earth with.
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Comparison of Dairy Milks with Human Milk
Milks are complex lipid emulsions in water containing protein, fat, lactose, vitamins and minerals, as well as enzymes, hormones and immunoglobulins which provide initial immunity functions.
There is approximately 5,500 species of mammals which initially supply their young with milk. There are vast differences in milk composition among the mammal species. Of all the mammals, humans have the lowest protein content.
Mammals have evolved over millions of years to provide nutrition for their infants in the first stage of life. There are significant difference between species depending upon factors such as rates of growth.
Proteins in human milk provide sufficient of protein to sustain infants for the first six months without any additional food, as well as supplying the means of establishing suitable environment for the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria and providing the proteins involved in the immune system.
Human milk is supplied to babies when the need for protein is at the greatest. Babies double in size during the first 6 months of our lives. The ideal food for a baby is mum’s milk where 5% – 6.5% is protein. This should offer reassurance that as long as we a consuming an adequate diet, we do not need a high protein diet.
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Methionine Dependent Cancers
Homocysteine is a non-protein amino acid. It is synthesized in the body from methionine, which is a sulfur containing amino-acid.
Methionine is much more prevalent in animal products than plant products. Rotten eggs smell the way they do because the sulfur produces a number of sulfur containing gasses including hydrogen sulfide— rotten egg gas.
A high level is of homocysteine is associated with an increased risk for chronic inflammation, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Many human cancer cell and primary tumors have a requirement for methionine, an essential amino acid.
Methionine-free or methionine-deprived diet causes a regression of a variety of animal tumours.
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Summary of Dr James Muecke Australian of the Year 2020
There has been 7 articles in the Newcastle Herald during December 2021 and January 2022 relating to Dr James Muecke and Dr Peter Bruckner, a sport’s medical clinician, on how to prevent and cure diabetes with an animal-based diet that is high in fat and low in carbohydrates. Muecke and Bruckner both state that we should be eating more eggs, cheese, meat and dark chocolate to minimise diabetes, its associated blindness (diabetic retinopathy) and diabetic neuropathy.
One of these articles was an editorial “The pandemic should be all the impetus we need to properly address diabetes, the other silent assassin in our midst” urging people to address diabetes by adopting Dr Muecke and Dr Bruckner’s recommended diets.
Their recommendations are killing people.
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The PURE Study Myths
Dr James Muecke is the Australian of the Year in 2020 which was awarded for his work as an eye-surgeon and his work in preventing blindness.
Muecke believes that we should be eating more eggs, cheese, meat and dark chocolate to minimise diabetes, its associated blindness (diabetic retinopathy) and diabetic neuropathy. Peripheral diabetic neuropathy is nerve damage of the limbs that is caused by diabetes. 50% of adults with type 2 diabetes have peripheral neuropathy. It can result in pain, numbness and an increase in sensitivity. Diabetes account for more than 80% of amputations.
Muecke cites the PURE Study to justify his low-carbohydrate, high-fat, animal-based diet.
The PURE Study is an observational study in 27 countries that examined 225,000 people. The study period is 20 years.
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Getting Started on a Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet
Below are notes on commencing a whole-food, plant-based diet that is the most advantageous for losing weight and becoming healthy.
For some, this can be very daunting because it involves changes to shopping, cooking, eating out as well as family and community relationships.
A lot of life is about habits – once you change a habit then it becomes the new “normal”.
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Harvard Study Shows Plant Protein Consumption Reduces Mortality
There are thousands of medical and scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals showing that a whole-food, plant-based (WFPB) diets are optimal for our health and are also the best for the environment and for the animals we share the earth with.
A number of these studies are documented on this website.
There are many more studies purporting that eggs, dairy, chocolate and even red meat are healthy and even essential for health.
When a comparison is made between two or more groups of people, showing that healthy WFPB are detrimental, be mindful of the nature of the comparison group.
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Harvard Researchers Paid to Support Sugar
A recent story that has been appearing on the internet is that Harvard Researchers Paid to Support Sugar and this is the reason why sugar and carbohydrates have been exonerated in their role of causing heart disease. Fats and saturated fats have unfairly blamed for the obesity and heart disease epidemic.
The article states that, "Early warning signals of the coronary heart disease (CHD) risk of sugar (sucrose) emerged in the 1950s."
"By the 1960s, 2 prominent physiologists were championing divergent causal hypotheses of CHD: John Yudkin identified added sugars as the primary agent, while Ancel Keys identified total fat, saturated fat, and dietary cholesterol. However, by the 1980s, few scientists believed that added sugars played a significant role in CHD, and the first 1980 Dietary Guidelines for Americans [4] focused on reducing total fat, saturated fat, and dietary cholesterol for CHD prevention."
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However, the study has been funded by the dairy and beef industries.
Discover how industry-funded research is deceiving the public.
Carbohydrates DO NOT cause diabetes
Truth and Belief
Who is going to get wealthy by encouraging people to eat their fruit and vegetables?
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