
  • Kale – a super green

    Kale - a super green
    Kale - a super green

    Kale has an extensive array of minerals and vitamins including vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin E, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and copper.

    Kale is also rich in proteins and moderately rich in a linolenic acid (ALA – an essential omega 3 fatty acid).

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  • The Truth About Soy Myth

    A widely distributed article Tragedy and Hype : Third International Soy Symposium written by Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig in March 2000 documents a series of issues relating to soy consumption.

    They claim that “Soy is the next asbestos”, that it contains “anti-nutrients”, causes dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, reproductive problems and much more.

    The book The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America's Favorite Health Food is written by Kaayla Daniel. Sally Fallon was the editor of the book.

    According to the book,

    Soy is not a health food, does not prevent disease and has not even been proven safe. Epidemiological, clinical and laboratory studies link soy to malnutrition, digestive problems, thyroid dysfunction, cognitive decline, reproductive disorders, even heart disease and cancer.

    Sally Fallon and Mary Enig are co-founders in 1999 of the Weston A Price Foundation. Kaayla Daniel is also a board member of the Weston A Price Foundation. Joseph Mercola, a board member of Weston A Price foundation, is another strong critic of soy.

    The longest lived people on earth are from the Okinawa archipelago in southern Japan who consume large amounts of soy products.

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  • Muesli

    Dr. Maximilian Bircher-Benner was born in Switzerland in 1867. He studied medicine in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. He created muesli based on a dish he and his wife was served on one of his mountain hikes.

    He operated a small private clinic and advocated a diet based on fruits, vegetables and grains. He believed that people should consume a large proportion of uncooked food.

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  • Almond Milk

    Almond milk can be made easily and quickly with a blender or food processor.

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  • About Richard Harding

    I have been a lecturer in nutrition in Newcastle, Australia at WEA Hunter and has been involved in the design of nutrition courses for degree and diploma qualifications in Health Sciences.

    I worked in the IT industry since the 1970s as a computer programmer, system designer and project manager for companies such as CBC Bank, National Australia Bank, Burroughs Australia and Unisys working on projects for ANZ Bank, State Bank of NSW, Health Insurance Commission (Medicare), NRMA, Reserve Bank of Australia, City Bank, North Power, Chase Manhattan Bank and ACIRL (Australian Coal Industry Research Laboratories).

    I worked as the system manager for a large pathology business that had a network of 10 pathology laboratories, from Coffs Harbour in northern NSW to Sydney - a distance of 500 km (300 miles) which operated online 24 hours a day for 6 days a week.

    My website consists of over 140 webpages and with more than 120,000 words. Most are related to health and nutrition with others relating to the environment, agriculture, philosophy and psychology. Many issues that the ancient Greeks wrestled with are still relevant today.

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  • John Robbins

    John Robbins is dedicated to creating an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling and socially just human presence on this planet. He serves on the Boards of many non-profit groups working toward a thriving, just, and sustainable way of life.

    He now works with his son, Ocean Robbins, in developing the Food Revolution Network.

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  • Dr Caldwell Esselstyn

    Dr Esselstyn is a US surgeon who has researched the effects of diet and health. He is one of the doctors along with Colin Campbell and Dean Ornish that Bill Clinton has credited with his health transformation.

    He won an Olympic gold medal in rowing at the 1956 Olympics. He was an army surgeon in Vietnam, a member of the Board of Governors of the Cleveland Clinic, one of the world’s top cardiac centres and was named in 1994-1995 as one of the top doctors in USA.

    Dr. Esselstyn demonstrates that a plant-based, oil-free diet can not only prevent and stop the progression of heart disease but also reverses its effects.

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  • Dr Neal Barnard

    Neal Barnard, MD, is a clinical researcher, author, and health advocate. He has been involved with a number of clinical trials investigating the effects of diet on health.

    He is an associate professor of medicine at George Washington University School of Medicine and the president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

    His book, Dr Neal Barnard's Program to Reverse Diabetes Now, outlines a whole-food, plant-based diet that reverses diabetes, prevents and reverses heart disease and other common ailments.

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  • Dan Buettner – Blue Zones

    In the early 1970s, National Geographic magazine approached the world-renowned physician, Alexander Leaf, asking him to visit, study, and write an article about the world's healthiest and most long-living people.

    More recently, Dan Buettner began his research into Blue Zone examining communities in Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; Monterrey, Nuevo Leon and Loma Linda, California.

    He published an article Secrets in Longevity in National Geographic Magazine's November 2005 edition In April 2008, Buettner released a book on The Blue Zone: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who've Lived the Longest, through National Geographic Books. A second edition has recently been published.

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  • The Scientific Basis of Vegetarianism – William Harris, MD

    Dr Harris was born in 1930. He is a pilot, trampoline exponent and long term nutritional advocate.

    His book The Scientific Basis of Vegetarianism is a landmark study in nutrition.

    Animal source food is adaptive when there's not enough food, but in a world with abundant and diverse plant foods, animal source food is obsolete and only causes problems.

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WHO's recommendations on saturated fat are out of date, expert team says.
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