Dr Caldwell Esselstyn

Dr Esselstyn is a US surgeon who has researched the effects of diet and health. He is one of the doctors along with Colin Campbell and Dean Ornish that Bill Clinton has credited with his health transformation.

He won an Olympic gold medal in rowing at the 1956 Olympics. He was an army surgeon in Vietnam, a member of the Board of Governors of the Cleveland Clinic, one of the world’s top cardiac centres and was named in 1994-1995 as one of the top doctors in USA.

Dr. Esselstyn demonstrates that a plant-based, oil-free diet can not only prevent and stop the progression of heart disease but also reverses its effects.

Esselstyn- Reversal of Coronary Atery Disease
Reversal of Coronary Atery Disease

A coronary angiogram examines the heart’s blood vessels using X-rays. Images of coronary angiograms of the circumflex artery in Dr Esselstyn’s books and website shows significant improvement following approximately 60 months of a plant-based diet. The Hagen–Poiseuille equation shows that the flow rate of blood through the artery is proportional to the radius raised to the fourth power, meaning that a small increase in the internal diameter of the artery greatly increases the amount of blood that flows through the artery. 1

Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., M.D. Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Avery Trade 2008


Last updated on Tuesday 9 April 2024 at 12:41 by administrators

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  1. Hagen-Poiseulle’s law states that the flow rate Q depends on the fluid viscosity η, pipe length L with a radius of r and the pressure difference between the two ends of P by: Q = (pi * ((r^4) * P) / (8 * η * L)

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