Tag: kale

  • Mushrooms, Tomatoes and Kale on Toast

    One of the big challenges of a whole-food, plant-based diet is learning to cook without eggs or oils. Eggs are useful for binding foods and to start cooking the first step is often to add an oil to the frying pan or saucepan to fry onions.

    Instead of frying foods, try cooking with water - keeping the lid on the pan to ensure that the water does not evaporate. Add water as required.

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  • Eye Cataracts and Diet

    There are four eye disease in the US that accounts for 75% of the cases for blindness and 85% of cases of visual impairment for adults 40 years and older in the US.

    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), cataracts, diabetic retinopathy – blood vessels in the retina leak fluid or bleed caused by diabetic complications and glaucoma - slow clogging of the drainage canals which results in increased eye pressure.

    The effect of diet on eye health is much greater than expected given the amount of attention paid to the effect of sunlight on both our eyes and our skin.

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  • Kale – a super green

    Kale - a super green
    Kale - a super green

    Kale has an extensive array of minerals and vitamins including vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin E, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and copper.

    Kale is also rich in proteins and moderately rich in a linolenic acid (ALA – an essential omega 3 fatty acid).

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