Tag: GI

  • Bread Does Not Make You Fat

    Most people are under the impression that starchy foods such as bread and potatoes make you fat.

    This is not the case - unless you cover your bread and potatoes with high-fat foods such as cheese, butter or sour cream.

    Excess sugars and carbohydrates are stored as glycogen - not fats. Carbohydrates are not converted to fats. Animals, bacteria and fungi convert glucose to glycogen which is the form that glucose is stored.

    Except in abnormal, extreme conditions, carbohydrates are not converted to fat in humans.

    Fats make you fat - not carbohydrates.

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  • Are Healthy Diets More Harmful to the Environment

    On December 14, 2015 an article titled Vegetarian and “Healthy” Diets Could Be More Harmful to the Environment was published on the Carnegie Mellon University website.

    The article quotes Paul Fischbeck, a professor of social and decisions sciences and engineering and public policy at the institute.

    He was a co-author of a paper Energy use, blue water footprint, and greenhouse gas emissions for current food consumption patterns and dietary recommendations in the US.

    Professor Fischbeck is quoted in the website article, stating:

    “Eating lettuce is over three times worse in greenhouse gas emissions than eating bacon. Lots of common vegetables require more resources per calorie than you would think. Eggplant, celery and cucumbers look particularly bad when compared to pork or chicken.”

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  • 2040 Documentary

    2040 is a documentary by Damon Gameau that targets a young audience to convince them that they can make a difference to planet Earth’s well-being using technology that we all ready have at our disposal.

    The key areas addressed in the documentary are transport, electricity production, agriculture, marine permaculture (kelp farming) and education.

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  • Global Burden of Disease 2010

    The Global Burden of Disease Study commenced in 1990 as a World Bank-commissioned that measured the health impact of disease and injuries. It introduced the term disability-adjusted life year (DALY) as a new measure to quantify the burden of diseases and injuries.

    It is managed by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington with the purpose "understanding the current state of population health and the strategies necessary to improve it."

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  • The Evidence Against Eric Westman and William Yancy

    Eric Westman and William Yancy are medical doctors associated with Duke University School of Medicine in North Carolina, where they are associate professors.

    They are prolific authors associated with ketogenic and high-fat, low-carbohydrate diets. They have both received funding from Robert C. Atkins Foundation which supports research into low-carbohydrate nutrition.

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  • Letter to Diggers – October 2018

    In the Spring 2018 edition of Diggers, Bel P claims that What The Health has been “expertly torn to pieces”. No effort has been made to justify this claim. What The Health web site has listed approximately 300 references for the movie with the elapsed time that the information was presented.

    In the absence of a valid critique of What The Health, I will present some evidence presented by the movie for the health benefits of a whole-food, plant-based diet. All references provided are from primary sources for which I have the paper or electronic copy.

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  • Big Fat Myths by Ruben Meerman

    Ruben Meerman and Professor Andrew Brown from the School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, University of New South Wales published a paper in 2014 When somebody loses weight, where does the fat go? 

    Meerman has a physics degree and is known as the surfing scientist and has appeared in a number of television shows including ABC's Catalyst program. and he is the author of Big Fat Myths, a book that expands on the previous paper. The original paper and later book explains how every molecule of fat escapes the human body during weight loss.

    He believes that his research shows that weight loss is best achieved by "eating less and moving more".

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  • Eye Cataracts and Diet

    There are four eye disease in the US that accounts for 75% of the cases for blindness and 85% of cases of visual impairment for adults 40 years and older in the US.

    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), cataracts, diabetic retinopathy – blood vessels in the retina leak fluid or bleed caused by diabetic complications and glaucoma - slow clogging of the drainage canals which results in increased eye pressure.

    The effect of diet on eye health is much greater than expected given the amount of attention paid to the effect of sunlight on both our eyes and our skin.

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  • Foundations of Naturopathic Nutrition by Fay Paxton – a text book

    Fay Paxton (PhD) is an Australian-based naturopath and nutritionist. She has taught nutrition at the Southern School of Natural Therapies and has worked as a consultant for dietary and herbal supplement manufacturers.

    She is an author of a popular text book, Foundations of Naturopathic Nutrition.

    Unfortunately, she is an advocate for low-carbohydrate diets and paleo diets.

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  • Michael Mosley and Coconut Oil

    Dr Michael Mosely (Trust Me, I’m a Doctor) instigated a trial to determine the impact of coconut oil on cardio-vascular health.

    In a University of Cambridge study, 94 participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups. They were asked to consume an additional 50g of fat – either coconut oil, butter or olive oil, daily for a period of four weeks.

    The main measure was the change in total cholesterol.

    Based on this study, Michael Mosley now thinks that coconut oil may be good for you. The study showed nothing to suggest that this could be true.

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WHO's recommendations on saturated fat are out of date, expert team says.
However, the study has been funded by the dairy and beef industries.
Discover how industry-funded research is deceiving the public.

Low-carboydrate Diets - The Myths Why are Eggs NOT OK? Dairy and Wheat - What you did not know Carbohydrates DO NOT cause diabetes
Truth and Belief
Low-carbohydrate Mania: The Fantasies, Delusions, and Myths
Dietary Deceptions - PDF Discover why researchers, popular commentators and the food industry is more concerned with maintaining corporate profits than ensuring that we have valid health information.
Who is going to get wealthy by encouraging people to eat their fruit and vegetables?

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2040 Documentary
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Center for Nutrition Studies

Center for Nutrition Studies