
  • Changes to our Health Indicators

    Many of our health indicators have become worse over the past few decades (2000-2020). There has been a decrease in the United States in life expectancy. Below are some of the indicators that have been reduced, resulting in a society that is becoming increasing unhealthy and is placing an unsustainable burden on the families and health care facilities.

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  • South Australia Department of Health – Dr James Muecke Communication

    A letter was sent to the South Australian Department of Health on the 11th January 2021 after they declined to investigate the claims of Dr James Muecke, the Australian of the Year in 2020.

    He is trying to convince Australians to eat more meat, eggs and dairy to prevent diabetes, diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy.

    Australia is ranked number 2 in meat consumption, just behind United States but in front of Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and New Zealand.

    The response stated that they can only address specific cases. The unsubstantiated claims of Muecke can continue to be disseminated to the detriment of our health.

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  • PREDIMED Trial – Mediterranean Diet with Olive Oil or Nuts

    The PREDIMED trial examined 7447 participants ranging from 55 to 80 years of age who were at high cardiovascular risk, but with no cardiovascular disease at enrollment, to one of three diets: a “Mediterranean Diet” supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil; a “Mediterranean Diet” supplemented with mixed nut; or a control diet with advice to reduce dietary fat.

    The “Mediterranean Diet” was the participants normal diet.

    50% of the participants that did not have metabolic syndrome at the start of the trial, were afflicted at the end of the trial, irrespective of which of the 3 groups the particpants were assigned.

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  • Autoimmune Diseases and Biomimicry

    Autoimmune diseases are a group of sinister diseases where the immune system attacks the body that it was designed to protect. One mechanism that explains auto-immune conditions is molecular biomimicry. When intruders invade our bodies, the immune system creates antibodies that mark these intruders (antigens) as a foreign foe. The immune system is then able to destroy the intruders.

    During digestion, proteins from animal-based foods are broken down into their component amino acids. Some proteins may be absorbed from the intestine without being fully broken down into their amino acid components. Small chains of amino acids are called peptides. These peptides may be treated as a foreign invader by our immune system.

    A chain of 17 amimo acids in cow's milk is treated a foreign body by our immune system. This same 17 amino acids occur on the surface of the pancreas that produces insulin resulting in the immune system destroying the inuslin-producing capacity of the pancreas, causing Type 1 Diabetes.

    Rheumatoid Arthritis and Hashimoto's Disease, which results in an under-active thyroid, are also a result of the immune system destroying parts of the body that that it ishould be protecting.

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  • Rural Indian Regional Diets

    Despite India's reputation for a healthy, vegetarian cuisine, it is not justified. Only 1.6% of Indians are vegan, 24% are lacto-vegetarian. 3% add eggs to their lacto-vegetarian diet which leaves 72% consuming meat.

    The Indian population has the highest prevalence of diabetes worldwide and exhibits high-risk metabolic profiles at younger ages and lower body mass index than their Western counterparts. There are significant regional variations to this observation.

    The reasons why Asian populations exhibit diabetes at a lower threshold than western populations are not known.

    According to WHO mortality statistics, India is ranked 17 for Low Birth Rate, 37 for Diarrhoeal Diseases, 40 for Tuberculosis, 60 for Malnutrition and 62 for Influenza & Pneumonia out of 183 countries.

    Given the current increase in consumption of meat and oils and a decrease in grains, the prevalence of obesity and diabetes is likely to continue.

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  • Seventh-day Adventists and Health

    A strong commitment to health has been a part of Seventh Adventist’s tradition since in founding in the 1840s.

    Within the Californian Seventh-day Adventist community, as the diet becomes more vegetarian, so do the health outcomes.

    Californian Seventh-day Adventists are much healthier than the average American.

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  • Glucose Tolerance – Comparison of High-Fat and High-Carb Diets

    Way back in 1927, J. S. Sweeney assigned healthy, young medical students into four dietary groups: A high-carbohydrate diet; a high-fat diet; a high-protein diet; and a fasting diet.

    After only two days on their highly improbable diets, the students were given a glucose tolerance test.

    Which diet had the best result for the Glucose Tolerance Test?

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  • Gut Health and Robert Beson

    Australian Traditional Medicine Society FUNCTIONAL GI SYMPOSIUM 2019 was held in Sydney on Sunday 15th September.

    Robert Beson presented a session Gut Health: Environmental & Internal Profile Consideration.

    Unfortunately, there is very little information regarding his proboitic treatments.

    Internet search results for "Robert Beson probiotics" or "Robert Beson gut healthy" lead to the Progurt website which sells probiotic supplements.

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  • Bread Does Not Make You Fat

    Most people are under the impression that starchy foods such as bread and potatoes make you fat.

    This is not the case - unless you cover your bread and potatoes with high-fat foods such as cheese, butter or sour cream.

    Excess sugars and carbohydrates are stored as glycogen - not fats. Carbohydrates are not converted to fats. Animals, bacteria and fungi convert glucose to glycogen which is the form that glucose is stored.

    Except in abnormal, extreme conditions, carbohydrates are not converted to fat in humans.

    Fats make you fat - not carbohydrates.

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  • Taiwanese Buddhist Study

    Everything in moderation is a near unanimous response by health professional, health support organisations and media commentators to solving our health crisis.

    A Taiwanese Buddhist study with 4,384 participants compared type 2 diabetes outcomes for lacto-ovo-vegetarians compared with those who consumed meat. The meat-eating group ate only a very small amount of meat.

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WHO's recommendations on saturated fat are out of date, expert team says.
However, the study has been funded by the dairy and beef industries.
Discover how industry-funded research is deceiving the public.

Low-carboydrate Diets - The Myths Why are Eggs NOT OK? Dairy and Wheat - What you did not know Carbohydrates DO NOT cause diabetes
Truth and Belief
Low-carbohydrate Mania: The Fantasies, Delusions, and Myths
Dietary Deceptions - PDF Discover why researchers, popular commentators and the food industry is more concerned with maintaining corporate profits than ensuring that we have valid health information.
Who is going to get wealthy by encouraging people to eat their fruit and vegetables?

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