Kidney Disease and Diet

2½ millennia ago, Plato wrote about the foolishness of eating animals. 500 years later Plutach wrote about the immorality of killing and eating animals who are entitled to life as much as we are.

Many people at the Mater Hospital where I am receiving treatment for multiple myeloma are not only dealing with their blood cancers but trauma of kidney, heart disease and type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Lots of great information about heart attacks and both forms of diabetes on my website.

The treatment greatly magnifies the severity of their problems.

Kidney disease ranks 9th in the cause of death in Australia.

Despite the nasty nature of my multiple myeloma disease, my kidney and heart functions are really good.

The Truly Wise Deny Nothing

If you do a Google search on “truly wise deny nothing“, I am the only person who has published that idea in such an eloquent way.

Almost the Truth” does not work.

The first two references by John McDougall are the most important.

Standard clinical trials compare different cohorts which very rarely include low-fat, low-protein and low animal-based diets as part of the study.

Amino acid profiles of plant-based foods are significantly different to animal-based diets. Specifically methionine, leucine and lysine. Methionine has a high sulphur content which causes the rotten-egg smell of bad eggs. Reseachers use leucine to speed up the aging process in laboratory test animals.

Further information can be found on other pages on my website.

The papers referenced can be located by doing a google scholar search.

  • McDougall, J. (2007, June). Save Your Kidneys—Part 1 The Hard Way, with Medications. Vol. 7, No. 6. Save Your Kidneys—Part 1 The Hard Way, with Medications
  • McDougall, J. (2007, July). Diet and Kidney Health. Diet and Kidney Health Vol. 6, No. 7. Diet and Kidney Health
  • Barsotti, G., Morelli, E., Cupisti, A., Meola, M., Dani, L., & Giovannetti, S. (1996), A low-nitrogen low-phosphorus Vegan diet for patients with chronic renal failure Nephron 74(2), 390–394.
  • Piccoli, G. B., Capizzi, I., Vigotti, F. N., Leone, F., D’Alessandro, C., Giuffrida, D., Nazha, M., Roggero, S., Colombi, N., Mauro, G., Castelluccia, N., Cupisti, A., & Avagnina, P. (2016). Low protein diets in patients with chronic kidney disease: A bridge between mainstream and complementary-alternative medicines? BMC Nephron, 17(76).
  • Remuzzi, G., Benigni, A., & Remuzzi, A. (2006). Mechanisms of progression and regression of renal lesions of chronic nephropathies and diabetes. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 116(2).
  • Haring, B., Selvin, E., Liang, M., Coresh, J., Grams, M. E., Petruski-Ivleva, N., Steffen, L. M., & Rebholz, C. M. (2017). Dietary Protein Sources and Risk for Incident Chronic Kidney Disease: Results From the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study. Journal of Renal Nutrition, 27(4), 233–242.

If you check out the home page of my website you where you will see amazing stories of transformation. Check out Francis Greger, Tim Kaufman – Disabled to Ironman and Joseph Claudio.

Katherine Lawerence’s story of being cured from “incurable” endometriosis in 6 weeks is brilliant.

I still get teary each time I read John Robbin’s “The Pig Farmer Story” which is found by clicking on the menu item “Inspiration” then “The Pig Farmer“.

If a whole-food, plant-based diet (NO ADDED OILS, salad dressings) is what we evolved to eat then no amount of wishing and hoping will make it otherwise. Cooking food is part of our evolutionary journey as explained by Richard Wrangham in Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human. Yes – I have a post about it.
Changes to our gut biome and lipid profiles happen overnight and within a week tangible changes are often experienced. There can be no compromise. It is not a matter of being dogmatic.

Neale Walsch in Converstations With God (Book 3) states if you eat animal products you are being suicidal. He also writes that the idea that we have incarnated to learn lessons is a myth of our society.

The featured posts found in the right panel of every page of my website are amongst my favourite posts. Even an apparently trivial amount of animal protein has an impact. Check out “Taiwan, Buddhists and Moderation” and “7th-Day Adventists and Moderation“.

The post “Autoimmune Diseases and Biomimicry” documents the cause of Type 1 diabetes. There are no exceptions. The common argument that Fred consumed dairy and does not have Type 1 diabetes is invalid. That reasoning is known as the “Defender’s Fallacy” which has resulted in many innocent people being convicted and at times executed.

Much publicity is given to the longevity of the people of Japan and Okinawa (an archipelago that stretches from southern Japan to Taiwan). However, it is vegetarian Californian Seventh-day Adventists that have the longest lifespan and the highest levels of health on the planet.

The AHS-1 study showed that the average 30-year-old white vegan Californian Adventist male lives 9.5 years longer than the average 30-year-old white omnivore Californian Adventist male and with females living 6.1 years longer.

Note that Californians are much healthier than the average American being in the top five states for longevity with an average life expectancy of 5-6 years greater than the Mississippi states.

Another favorite is “Pop Psychology, Alice and the Concept of Evil“. To often what is considered to be inutition is really having a strong preference for an idea. The idea of “intuitive eating” is just wishful thinking.

Another great post is “Belief versus Truth“. Very simplisticly, intuition is the ability to take diverse ideas and see the relationships. Another definition, from a Zen tradition, is that intuition is “Knowledge that has come inside” and “Intuition is the spontaneous knowledge gained through experience“.

This is very similar to the ideas that Galileo Galilei wrote in a letter to the Grand Duchess Christina of Tuscany 400 years ago.

But I do not feel obliged to believe that that same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended to forgo their use.

Read about Rene Descates in the post “The Enlightenment and the Age of Reason“. It is a very different picture of Descates than Marianne Williamson portrays.

See the webpage, “Do vegetarians live longer“, that quotes Eric Rimm, the renowned Harvard nutritional epidemiologist,

We can’t tell people to stop eating all meat and all dairy products. Well, we could tell people to become vegetarians. If we were truly basing this only on science, we would, but it is a bit extreme.

There are lots of other resources including “Quotes” and “Additional Reading“.

There is the additional problem with the appalling method that we raise pigs in confined cages that are stacked three deep. Pigs cannot move or lie down. Their faeces and urine are deposited onto the pigs below through slatted floor boards. They live in a noxious atmosphere of ammonia and hydrogen sulphide.

I am sure that Chinese Herbs and my selection of Chinese Medicinal Mushrooms have been of great benefit. I have a great post about mushrooms along with pictures. Search for “Mushrooms“.1

It is now 10 years since my life was transormed. Ruth was told twice that I would not be coming home. Jessica (our daughter) was overseas, living in San Fransisco. That must have been a very big shock to come to terms with. We must be doing something right.

Last updated on Monday 23 September 2024 at 14:54 by administrators


  1. Halpern, G. M. (2007). Healing Mushrooms. SquareOne Publishers.


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