But we are all individuals
This is a frequent response to the suggestion that dietary and lifestyle changes will be beneficial to a person’s well being.
“But we our all individuals. Just because it may be good for some people, it does not mean it will be good for me. I will continue to do whatever I feel is right.”
Yes, we are all individuals with different beliefs, habits, preferences and experiences. However, when it comes to nutrition, we are pretty much the same – allergies being one significant difference. The real question is – “Why is there a need to be special and different?”
Loving and respecting your body – the only one that we will ever have, means being committed to learning how to best look after ourselves. It is not something that we innately know and understand.
Habits can be difficult to change. The good news is that we did learn the old habits and we can easily (well, may be not quite that easily) replace the old habit with a new, more beneficial habit. It takes some time to cultivate a new habit to ensure that the new habit becomes an established habit.
Yes, it may be comforting to sip a hot cup of coffee on waking or drink a warm glass of milk before going to bed.
Dairy contains casein. Casomorphins derived from casein are protein fragments (polypeptides) that are found it the blood after digesting dairy. Both meat and dairy are comfort foods – not foods that are in our best interest or in the best interest of the animals that provided these foods.
If poor nutrition is the basis of the majority of our health problems, then the only solution is great nutrition. This means taking the time to discover what is great nutrition for us all.
Additional reading
Belief versus Truth
Tornadoes, Seagulls, Grasshoppers and the Butterfly Effect
Last updated on Wednesday 29 January 2025 at 07:03 by administrators
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