Wise Nutrition Website Introduction

To eat fully consciously connects us to the miracle of all life.

I have a 150 page, 20000 word website explaining how informed choices relating to the food we consume can result in optimal outcomes for our health, the environment and for the animals that we share the earth.

When I published by more Low-Carbohydrate Mania: Fantasies, Illusions, and Myths, I posted Dr John McDougall a copy to his practice in Santa Rosa, California. We communicated by email for nearly a year. Mostly the correspondence was concerned with the views of William Davis and Robert Lustig. He viewed both with some – let’s say, bewilderment.

You can read my story from viewing the my Home Page on my website and the About Richard page. I am very unwell and my life is rather precarious. I do not want all the work that I have done to be wasted and wish to find a kindred organisation that wishes to takeover the website.

I am very eager to find an organisation that is passionate about our health, our animals and the environment and is willing to continue the work that I started over 1½ decades ago. If you could in some way connect me to an organisation or individuals that wishes to inherit the website, I would be most appreciative.

John and I also disagreed with some of Professor Colin Campbell’s beliefs. Despite Dr Campbell assertion that “nutrition works through the concept of wholism, which represents a powerful symphony of countless nutrients”, Professor Campbell contends that animal protein is a much bigger health risk than saturated fats. This is examined in detail from my webpage Ancel Keys and the High-Fat Diet “Experts”.

Robert Lustig has some “interesting” views regarding fat and carbohydrates.

Sugar – because of its unique composition is the only food on the planet that is both fat and carbohydrate at the same time.
Is there one reaction in your body that actually requires sugar? Zero.
Even fatty fruits – coconut, olives, avocado – have no carbohydrates.
There is no foodstuff on this planet that have both fat and carbohydrate at the same time. It is one or the other because that is evolution – that is nature – that is what God did.

You can read my story from viewing the Home Page on my website and the About Richard page.

I also have a great collection of valuable books and a 4000 plus citation manager that has been carefully nurtured to ensure that I can find and citate relevant information. I would be delighted to be able to pack up my library of books, some valuable, and post it to an organisation where they would be treasured.

You can find my website by performing a Google search on “richard harding nutrition“.

My home page has links to some amazing stories showing the impact that diet on our health. No supplements or purchases are required.

John and I shared similar alarming views of Dr Fiona Godlee and Nina Teicholz.

Dr. Fiona Godlee was the editor The BMJ from 2005 to 2021. She was an enthusiastic supporter of Nina Teicholz and her low-carbohydrate, high-fat and high animal-sourced diet as was Dr. Richard Smith. Smith’s BMJ Editorial – “Are Some Diets “Mass Murder?” was published on 15 December 2014. Dr. Smith joined The BMJ in 1979 and was editor-in-chief from 1991-2004.

Smith claims in his editorial that by far the best of the books I’ve read is Nina Teicholz’s The Big Fat Surprise, whose subtitle is “Why butter, meat, and cheese belong in a healthy diet.” Smith claims that “the forensic demolition of the hypothesis that saturated fat is the cause of cardiovascular disease is impressive“.

It is really extraordinary that Dr. Smith relies on unsubstantiated material from a popular ketogenic diet advocate to advance his views.

I wrote a response to this article. John wrote to me stating that it was a “great response“.

Dr. Goodlee was the editor on 24th September 2015, when The BMJ issued a press release titled “BMJ investigation questions expert advice underpinning new US dietary guidelines“.

I sent an email to The BMJ and they confirmed on 29 June 2017 that the BMJ Investigation was really a full funded article written by Nina Teicholz. It was not a BMJ investigation.

Professor Stewart Truswell and his colleague, Professor Jim Mann from were, in their words, “incensed” when Arne Astrup’s article WHO draft guidelines on dietary saturated and trans fatty acids: time for a new approach? was published in The BMJ in July 2019 and received so much attention in the popular press. Jim Mann, from University of Otago was at a World Health Organisation diabetic conference in Europe and the meeting decided not to engage in a public debate because it will “give them oxygen” – they will always lose out to the well-funded dairy and beef industries.

I disagreed. I have produced an 85 page A5 document that reviews Astrup’s paper which Stewart has reviewed. I also produced a 97 minute video with some of the highlights.

Stewart is “appalled” with Lustig’s and John Yudkin’s influence in the popular press. Stewart was Yudkin’s successor as Head of Department of Nutrition at Queen Elizabeth College, London University.

My book and the accompanying video documents how food industry has manipulated the media and researchers to ensure that profits become before public health.

Stewart of University of Sydney is a renowned nutritional researcher and author. He is over 90 and before COVID drove into work at University of Sydney most days and has recently published the 5th edition of his 700-page text, Essentials of Human Nutrition for Oxford University Press. He also wrote Cholesterol and Beyond: The Research on Diet and Coronary Heart Disease 1900-2000.

Stewart was a contributor to Dietary Goals for the United States: Second Edition of November 1977 (The McGovern Report).

Stewart has supported me in the writing of my book, Low-Carbohydrate Mania: The Fantasies, Delusions, and Myths.

Professor Truswell of University of Sydney reviewed my books, website and movie. He has stated that the movie, WHO’s Guidelines on Saturated Fats – The Reality and the Myths, and accompanying book are “brilliant”.

Who am I to argue?

If you could assist me in ensuring that the work that I have done continues after I die, I would be most grateful.

Last updated on Wednesday 25 September 2024 at 20:55 by administrators


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WHO's recommendations on saturated fat are out of date, expert team says.
However, the study has been funded by the dairy and beef industries.
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Low-carboydrate Diets - The Myths Why are Eggs NOT OK? Dairy and Wheat - What you did not know Carbohydrates DO NOT cause diabetes
Truth and Belief
Low-carbohydrate Mania: The Fantasies, Delusions, and Myths

Center for Nutrition Studies

Center for Nutrition Studies