Why Eggs are Not OK – Obtain your copy

The nutritional benefits of eggs is highlighted in the Australian Eggs’ OK Everyday campaign. Just how accurate is the assertion that “eggs aren’t just delicious, they’re incredibly nutritious. There’s a good reason eggs are often referred to as nature’s multivitamin – they’re one of the healthiest foods you can eat”.

According to Australian Egg website, “eggs are high in several natural antioxidants including lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect your eyes and maintain their health. They are thought to slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of legal blindness in Australia. Egg whites also contain selenium, which protects your immune system. Also, eggs are an easy way to help hit your recommended iron intake levels”.

One cup of cooked kale contains more than 90 times the amount of lutein and zeaxanthin in one egg and one 5 g Brazil nut kernel contains 6 times more the amount of selenium in one egg. One cup of kale contains 50% more iron. Both iron, lutein and zeaxanthin are more effective when consumed with vitamin C. Eggs do not contain vitamin C.

Claiming that eggs are a great source of lutein and zeaxanthin and can protect our eyes from macular damage or that selenium in eggs is protective of the immune system is extremely misleading.

The Physicians’ Health Study shows that doctors consuming 7 or more eggs per week had a 31% increase in all-cause mortality compared with those consuming less than 1 egg per week. With diabetic physicians, the association was much higher with the increase in mortality doubled.

Choline is a nutrient found is eggs, that is frequently claimed as a health benefit. Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) which produced by bacteria in the intestines from choline found in eggs. TMAO is implicated in a number of detrimental outcomes, including impaired renal function, colorectal cancer, and cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Find out more about the eggs we eat.

Last updated on Thursday 4 January 2024 at 09:57 by administrators


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