Tag: glycemic index
Validation of a Whole-food, Plant-based Diet
Dr James Muecke is the Australian of the Year in 2020 which was awarded for his work as an eye- surgeon and his work in preventing blindness. He is trying to convince Australians to eat more meat, eggs and dairy. Australia is ranked number 2 in meat consumption, just behind the United States but in front of Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and New Zealand.
Muecke states that we should be eating more eggs, cheese, meat and dark chocolate to minimise diabetes, its associated blindness (diabetic retinopathy) and diabetic neuropathy.
Muecke has declared that we need to “Declare war on type 2 diabetes and cut back on sugar” in order to reduce the incidence of blindness.
He believes that it is the introduction of sugary drinks and highly processed foods are the cause of diabetes – not a high-fat, high-protein diet as shown by numerous papers dating back to 1927.
Dr Muecke was interviewed by Keith Wheeler for a FarmOnline National article. Wheeler summed up his article with, “Dr Muecke faces a challenge to defeat type 2 diabetes, but if people eat more meat and dairy it would be a good start. And dark chocolate. That’s the sort of report I like!”
Muecke refers to a 2019 article in the Annals of Internal Medicine, Unprocessed Red Meat and Processed Meat Consumption: Dietary Guideline Recommendations From the Nutritional Recommendations (NutriRECS) Consortium to support his beliefs.
Walter Willett, the Harvard professor of epidemiology and nutrition, called the study “the most egregious abuse of data I’ve ever seen.”
The publications produced by the NutriRECS organisation are concerned with proving that red meat consumption is healthy – or at least not detrimental.
In a 30 minute address to the National Press Club on 8th February 2021, Dr Muecke said the Australian Dietary Guidelines were flawed, biased at critical multiple levels, conflicted by industry funding and borne out of weak and unreliable epidemiological data that was “certainly not as robust as we have been led to believe”.
Muecke states that “There now being over 100 controlled clinical trials to support the fact that a very low calorie diet or low carbohydrate diet works to either prevent Type 2 diabetes or to put it into remission.”.
There are no references given to these 100 controlled clinical trials.
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Glucose Tolerance – Comparison of High-Fat and High-Carb Diets
Way back in 1927, J. S. Sweeney assigned healthy, young medical students into four dietary groups: A high-carbohydrate diet; a high-fat diet; a high-protein diet; and a fasting diet.
After only two days on their highly improbable diets, the students were given a glucose tolerance test.
Which diet had the best result for the Glucose Tolerance Test?
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The Evidence Against Eric Westman and William Yancy
Eric Westman and William Yancy are medical doctors associated with Duke University School of Medicine in North Carolina, where they are associate professors.
They are prolific authors associated with ketogenic and high-fat, low-carbohydrate diets. They have both received funding from Robert C. Atkins Foundation which supports research into low-carbohydrate nutrition.
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The Pioppi Diet
The Pioppi Diet movie and book by Aseem Malhotra, a London cardiologist and Donal O’Neill, an Irish film-maker that receives a great deal of publicity. A review in the British Journal of General Practice quotes Professor Dame Sue Bailey, the Chair of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, who describes the book as a “must have for every household and a must read for every medical student and doctor”.
Andy Burnham, current (2021) mayor of Greater Manchester and former UK Secretary of State for Health writes,
This book has the power to make millions of people healthier and happier.
Pioppi is a small village on the Tyrrhenian Sea which is located on the west coast of Italy. It is approximately 150 km (90 miles) south of Naples. Ancel and Margaret Keys resided here for over 25 years. Martii Karvonen of Finland and Jerimiah Stamler of the USA are other well-known medical researchers who resided in the village.
Malhotra is a keen high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet advocate and is desperately trying (unsuccessfully) to merge his opinion into a distorted view of the Mediterranean diet.
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However, the study has been funded by the dairy and beef industries.
Discover how industry-funded research is deceiving the public.

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Who is going to get wealthy by encouraging people to eat their fruit and vegetables?
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