Tag: covid-19

  • How to Survive a Pandemic by Michael Greger

    How to Survive a Pandemic by Michael Greger is essential reading for those who wish to understand the history of pandemics and how to minimise their impact on ourselves and our society. The book describes the causes of these diseases and most importantly, how to prevent these events from occurring.

    The majority of infectious diseases (and all viral diseases) result from our interaction with animals. This book, with thousands of references, gives detailed descriptions of our greatest diseases from bubonic plague, smallpox, the deadly influenza of 1918 and the deadly viral diseases SARS, MERS and COVID-19.

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  • Changes to our Health Indicators

    Many of our health indicators have become worse over the past few decades (2000-2020). There has been a decrease in the United States in life expectancy. Below are some of the indicators that have been reduced, resulting in a society that is becoming increasing unhealthy and is placing an unsustainable burden on the families and health care facilities.

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  • Obama administration provided a grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology

    The claim that "The Obama administration provided a $3.7 million grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China" started in April 2020.

    The report started to circulate that the National Institutes of Health had provided the Wuhan Institute of Virology a $3.7 million grant in 2015, while former US President Barack Obama was in office.

    These reports suggested COVID-19 had escaped or been deliberately released from this laboratory.

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  • Dr Fauci, Melinda Gates and Barack Obama at Wuhan lab in 2015!!! – Myth

    A number of popular commentators provide a picture of Dr Fauci and Barack Obama with the above caption, on their websites.

    A simple search of Getty Images provides a number of similar pictures from 2nd December 2014. The picture is of Dr Fauci and Barack Obama in December at Vaccine Research Centre in Betheseda, Maryland with the US Secretary Health an Human Services. The meeting was relating to Ebola Research for an Ebola vaccine.

    Melinda Gates was not present.

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  • Fauci knew about hydroxychloroquine in 2005 – A myth

    A popular social media myth appeared in July 2020 that stated hydroxychloroquine would be an effective “cure and vaccine” against COVID-19 and that the director of the National Institutes of Health, Dr Anthony Fauci knew this in 2005.

    The article was written by Bryan Fischer, a former director of the American Family Association. The American Family Association is a conservative, Christian organisation that advocates “traditional Christian family values”.

    The article contains many elementary errors starting with the assertion that Fauci is the director of the National Institutes of Health.

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